Barret is one of the directors of the RRVA.
We have asked him a couple of questions that will gives us more insight into his life and his understanding of the RRVA and our community:
Q1: What line of work/ business are you in? Security solutions. I am a qualified Health and Safety Officer, an A-Grade security officer, an Electric fence COC inspector and generally an all-round security expert involved in both technical and human security. I am also a qualified graphic designer.
Q2: Please tell us a bit about your family? I am married to Christine Stewart. We have two children – Makayla and Kristin. We have four dogs – Lola and Nala who are Chows and Zoe and Marina who are Yorkies. Makayla is 13 and is in grade 8 at Randpark High School. Kristin is 10 and is in grade 5 at Randpark Primary School.
Q3: How long have you lived in Randpark Ridge? Just over 12 years.
Q4: What made you choose to make a home in Randpark Ridge? I have lived in and near Randburg for most of my life and moving into the Randpark Ridge made the most sense for our family. We wanted to be centrally located to shopping centres, gyms, schools, parks and close to our workplace. Most importantly to provide a good and safe upbringing for our children.
Q5: What to you are the greatest strength/s of our community? This is the reason why I moved to Randpark Ridge. Centrally-located and a beautiful area to live in. We just need to strengthen our people and bring them together.
Q6: What is your greatest concern for our community and what needs to change or improve? 
Q7:What do you see are the greatest needs for the community?
Our greatest need is that our residents need to unite and join the RRVA. Our government is failing us in many ways and the only way we can keep our heads above water is to work together as a community and uplift our area. If we all pool our resources, we can make changes happen a lot faster. Failing to do this, our area will deteriorate and crime will increase.
Q8: What are the key issues that need to be resolved? Improve our security surveillance, access control and monitoring. Improve our parks.
Q9: What is the importance of The Randpark Ridge Village Association in our community? Without the RRVA there would be no responsible persons to upkeep our community.
Q10: What are your goals as a RRVA Director? My goal within my division is to improve our security within our area. I have two main goals at the moment which are the deployment of our CCTV project and our access control or road closures. Our CCTV deployment is rolling out very soon which will incorporate some very exciting improvements that the RRVA hasn’t ever had before.
Q11: What is your vision for our area and our community? A picture-perfect place for everyone to live in. Safe and beautiful parks. I miss what we had as children as we were almost always outdoors.
Q12: What can members of the community be doing to make RRVA the absolute best it can be? Residents must please join as volunteers as we need as many people as possible to help us with our goals. We need all the support we can get.
Q13: What do you do in your spare time and what are your interests and hobbies? I am an avid gamer. I also enjoy mountain biking, camping and being outdoors.
Q14: What is your philosophy in life? Work hard, be positive, follow your heart and success will follow.
Q15: What book are you reading right now? Home Invasion by Rudolph Zinn.
Q16: How do you like to get feedback? I prefer verbal feedback as I enjoy working with people. Any other feedback is always helpful.
Q17: What advice do you have for any new Directors? Being a Director is hard work and comes with lots of challenges but is very rewarding and satisfying when our improvements are in place. Very excited about our new CCTV deployment.
Q18: What makes you smile when you get up in the morning? My family, friends and my passion for my career.
Q19: What misconceptions do people have about The RRVA? That the RRVA committee members and directors aren’t doing enough. We are all volunteers and we provide the best we can to improve our area for everyone. Weekly we spend hours in meetings, conceptualising ideas and implementing those ideas. It is hard work on top of a fulltime job but I love a challenge.

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