The RRVA is currently in process of applying for permission from the City of Johannesburg to lock the pedestrian gate between Rabie Road and Essenhoud Drive, between 22h00 until 05h00 at night.
We believe that in doing so will aid security measures by limiting access to our suburb during evening hours.
It is proposed to place signage at the gate stating:
“Locked 22h00 – 05h00. To unlock call 083 635 3808. This is a 24 hour service” and for the locking / unlocking duties to be performed by RRVA appointed security provider, CSS.
In order for submission to be successful, we will require consent from 80% of the affected parties, and an application fee will be payable to the City of Johannesburg.
If you have any comments of queries, please get in touch with us. We will post about the progress of this application on a regular basis.
Click here to download the security access restriction policy.
Hi. I would certainly support the locking of the gate at night. We live in an extremely dangerous area and while it is important to provide access from Rabie road for pedestrian traffic during the day, locking the gate after hours will provide a degree of additional security. However properties bordering the green belt and Rabie are still at high risk in my opinion and should not be less vigilant.
totally Supported. It will add to security
We support the application
That gate must be locked. We have too many security issues because of that gate as it gives dangerous people easy access to us via the freeway. Other suburbs don’t have access gates leading directly from the freeway, so I don’t think it’s fair that our area must have this gate. It is NOT safe for us. I STRONGLY support that gate being permanently closed. In fact there shouldn’t be a gate at all.
Hi – we’re happy to announce the the gate has now been locked at night