The Hymany Park bicycle trail (starting on Seder Street) has reached a point where community involvement is needed to keep moving forward. More people than ever are using the green space at Hymany Park, and the number of kids and adults riding and utilizing the bike trail is awesome to see.
One thing in great need at the moment is bakkie loads of clean dirt/sand delivered to specific locations in the park. Everything used to make the basic trail is already recycled, but more CLEAN DIRT (not rubble), is needed. Please contact the RRVA office if you can help! (WhatsApp, or email:
For example – if you are excavating at your home and they are hauling away dirt or sand, that is usually good trail building material. It’s often appreciated by the contractors or rubble removers to make drops closer to the construction sites.
Many community members have offered to help build the trail. Coming soon there will be organized community dig days where you can come get a FREE(!) workout in Hymany Park, while helping to create our neighborhood bike trail. If you’re interested in lending a hand/spade/wheelbarrow, please contact the RRVA (WhatsApp, or email:
Watch out for announcements in your neighborhood chat groups and social media regarding upcoming Randpark Ridge community dig days at Hymany Park!