Herewith links to all the documents for the RRVA’s Annual General Meeting, taking place 19h00, 16 May 2019 (Randpark Primary)
Please note secure parking will be provided on the field.
- Financial Statement, year ending 2019/02/28
- RRVA AGM 2019 Agenda
- Minutes of the RRVA AGM 28 November 2018
- RRVA Proxy nomination form
Agenda: AGM 19h00 16 May 2019, Randpark Primary School Hall
Welcome: Thanks for attendance, please sign attendance register.
- All welcome but Non-members are guests and do not have voting rights.
- Chair to introduce directors
1. Chairperson’s Report
- Recent activities, vision for RRVA, challenges & opportunities and future goals
- Corporate governance overhaul – SGM will be called
2. Security: Crime overview
- Proposed strategy for combatting crime
- Security cameras
- Theft of municipal infrastructure incl. manhole covers, electrical conductors etc.
- Locking of gates to restrict access
3. Environment:
- Wayne Kets and his team in the park
- Painting of gates, kerbs, transformers etc.
- Litter & dustbins
- Deterioration of infrastructure
4. Treasury: Financial Report
- Summary of membership numbers, sources of income and allocation of expenditures
- Consideration of Auditors Report
- Appointment of auditors for the coming year end
- Proposal to increase RRVA subs from R 300 to R 330 per month with justification. Note there has been no increase for 9 years – with inflation this has amounted to a decrease in real terms.
5. Referendum: Current directors step down and members nominate directors from
current directors and new nominees provided nominated persons accept.
6. General: Any other matters. Open Forum.
7. Close. Thanks to RRVA committee/all RRVA members for your support and hard work.
Note the minutes from this AGM and the Audited Financial Statements will be available on the RRVA website within one week of this meeting.
Please contact us with further queries.